State, County and Local Regulation / Approvals / Permits

DiFrancesco Bateman has substantial and significant experience representing local governmental entities, including county and local governments, boards and authorities and educational institutions. We serve as counsel to the governing bodies and/or select agencies and boards of more than 35 municipal entities throughout the state. We are currently counsel to two Joint Insurance Funds located in Somerset and Union Counties and advocate for their member municipalities in litigated matters. Our litigation for public sector entities includes matters involving personal injury claims asserted under the Tort Claims Act, automobile liability claims, environmental claims and a myriad of general liability claims asserted against municipal entities as well as litigation in all aspects of planning, zoning, and affordable housing matters.

We have an extensive background in representing public entities in claims involving police liability issues, false arrest, and malicious prosecution, as well as many other civil rights violations. Our attorneys have considerable experience in both federal and state courts in representing police officers and other governmental officials in actions arising out of their positions as public officials.

This practice group provides a wide array of advocacy and advice, in areas including:

  • Education
  • Employment & Labor
  • Municipal Tax Appeals
  • Preparation of contracts and bid documents for all aspects of development by the governing entities.
  • Preparation of contracts and joint municipal participation agreements
  • Consultation with bond counsel for implementation of funding of projects and other needs of the public entity.
  • Condemnation proceedings
  • Mount Laurel/Fair Housing development and litigation
  • Land Use and Redevelopment
  • Litigation involving builders, architects, and engineers
  • Environmental regulatory and litigation matters
  • Preparation of ordinances and resolutions
  • Development review matters
  • Open space matters
  • Municipal Court
  • Police & Public Officials Liability






  • "DiFrancesco Bateman's attorneys helped me recover a substantial personal injury settlement after I suffered life-threatening injuries in a motor vehicle accident. The firm provided constant attention, responsiveness, and excellent advice with my claims throughout the entire traumatic ordeal and long recovery period. I am extremely satisfied with DiFrancesco Bateman and I would recommend their personal injury services to anyone."

    — Louis H
  • "DiFrancesco Bateman successfully facilitated our small business' acquisition transaction. The firm answered all of our questions and was exceptionally diligent on our behalf."

    — Tom's Service Center, Bogota, NJ